The festival of Rakhi is celebrated by everyone all over India. The traditions and the rituals add more meaning to the festival. When we talk about the traditions the most asked and searched query comes up: ‘On which hand should the Rakhi be tied?’ It is a question many ask but not many know the answer to. Hence, in this article, we have discovered and answered the most asked questions with all the reason and significance. If you also want to know then keep reading the article for more.

In the din and bustle of our mundane life, where some of us live far away to pursue our dreams, with the world flowing relentlessly like a gushing river. Raksha Bandhan is a simple festival with deep spiritual and emotional reverberations. The threads of Rakhi are what connect the siblings no matter where they are. The festival is a respite that brings back memories that have shaped our childhood and keep us motivated. The day invites us to pause, reflect, connect, and reconnect with our beloved siblings. It is more than just a day for the people in India that brings the nostalgia of childhood like rain in the scorching desert. It is the bliss that makes our lives better - evoking joy, laughter, and an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. Hence, Raksha Bandhan is a festival that embraces the unique bond of brother and sister and cherishes their affection for each other. So, for a celebration so extraordinary, geographical distance or any obstacle is never a barrier that can stop the sister from tying a rakhi on their brother’s hand. Thus, sisters travel to their brothers if they can or send rakhi to India to their brothers. Plenty of stories and legends behind the festival of Rakhi signify the prowess of the delicate yet strong threads of Rakhi. Our ancestors also have taught us how to perform the ritual of Rakhi faithfully. The religious scriptures tell us the ceremony's method and answer a very significant question: On which hand should the rakhi be tied?

Now, Raksha Bandhan is a celebration that surpasses just the bond between brother and sister.  When you cherish your brother you also cherish the better half of your brother, your sister-in-law, or ‘bhabhi’. So, tying Rakhi and including her in this celebration just doubles the joy. There is a perfect way to complete the ceremony and as we know you must also be in search of the answer to: On which hand of bhaiya & bhabhi should the Rakhi be tied? We have delved deeper into the scriptures and brought to you the very answers and many more significant facts about rakhi. So, let’s explore more about the most significant and cherished festival, to celebrate the day better.

On which hand should Rakhi be tied?

On Which Hand of Bhaiya & Bhabhi should the Rakhi be tied?

As we know by now tying a Rakhi around the wrist of a brother is a gentle reminder that has many layers of meaning to it. So, knowing on which hand one should tie Rakhi is a very important question that arises among us. But before that, there is another thing that you must know. If you want to tie Rakhi to your sister-in-law or Bhabhi then you should keep one thing in mind: there are distinct Rakhis for brothers and sisters-in-law. The one that is tied around the wrist of a sister-in-law is called a Lumba Rakhi. It is made with intricate design and with efflorescent colors to signify the feminine and divine attributes of females. This looks a bit different from the Rakhi for brothers and also comes in a set which is called the Bhaiya and Bhabhi Rakhi.

So, unearthing the reasons and symbolism from the scriptures and the Vedas. We have come across that the right hand is the hand in which the Rakhi should be tied. If we look closely then we’ll find that in most of the rituals and puja ceremonies we use our right hand to offer something to the Gods. We even accept ‘Prashad’ from our right hand, but have you ever wondered why? There is a reason behind every ritual that we perform and our predecessors have left the answers in the Vedas. Let us know why the right hand is believed to be auspicious.

Why is the Right hand preferred?

The Hindu scriptures have distinct connotations to the usage of the right hand. The right hand is mostly considered to be masculine meaning, strength, and the left is feminine, meaning nature. As the Nadi Shastra or astrology reveals the destiny of humans past, present, and future. These energies channel through the right hand. So, when a sister ties rakhi on the right hand she harnesses the energy channeling and eradicates any doshas. The Ayurveda unveils that the human body is made of three fundamental components. Among these are the three doshas that regulate the living body. Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha are the Tridoshas that influence our behavior and for a harmonious existence, these should be balanced and harnessed correctly. These components are regulated when the Rakhi is tied around the right wrist. This activates and regulates the Tridoshas which helps to eliminate any severe obstacle and helps in the overall well-being. 

The ancient systems of measuring the time also start clockwise from right and thus, the right hand is preferred to regulate the strength, vitality, and the flow of time. Hence, by tying the Rakhi on the right hand of the brother and sister-in-law the Tridoshas, Nadi shastra, and the spirituality are activated and regulated to create a harmonious balance. This is the reason why tying Rakhi on the right hand of Bhaiya and Bhabhi is considered auspicious. This works alongside the feeling of being protected by the sister’s love and protection which makes the brother and the sister-in-law feel secure.

Spiritual Significance of Tying Rakhi

On Which Hand of Bhaiya & Bhabhi should the Rakhi be tied?

To understand the rituals of Rakhi and the reasons behind them you need to understand the spiritual beliefs. The religious beliefs, ancient writings, and historical, and mythological tales state the significance of the festival Raksha Bandhan. The thread of Rakhi also signifies the vow the brother takes of cherishing and protecting his sister. Alongside it also expresses a sister’s devotion and prayers to keep her brother protected from all sorts of evils. This is well-conveyed in the historical story of Rani Karnavati and Emperor Humayun. When the Rajputs in Chittor were troubled by the invasion of the Mughals; Rani Karnavati the then-ruler of Rajasthan knew she would not be able to overcome the vast Mughal army. To protect her people she sent a Rakhi to the Mughal emperor Humayun who was in another region for a military campaign. On receiving the Rakhi Humayun was touched by the heartwarming gesture of seeking protection and he ordered his troops to change direction. Likewise, the story of Draupadi and Krishna also shows the very same sentiment. This shows the deep affection and strength Rakhi has where the brother protects her sister in any circumstances. It also shows how the brother is protected by the force of Rakhi in the story of King Porus who protected Alexander for his Rakhi sister Roxana. Thus, the simple festival of Rakhi has a great significance that binds the brother and sister together with the invisible thread of affection, trust, and protection. 

Now that we know which hand to use to tie the rakhi around your brother’s or sister-in-law's wrist, there is no way we are going to get it wrong ever, so celebrate the auspicious day with great enthusiasm. Don’t forget to include your sister-in-law in the celebrations as well now that she is also a part of the family. This day gives you a perfect occasion to shower your Bhaiya and Bhabhi with love, Rakhi, and gifts that they will cherish forever. Make wonderful memories like the ones you cherish when you look back at the golden days of Raksha Bandhan celebrated with your brother. With this knowledge, you will be maintaining our traditions and rich legacy protecting and blessing your brother with divinity. 

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