When is Lohri in 2026?
Lohri is celebrated primarily in the northern part of India and Punjab. The celebrations are quite vast and it is religiously celebrated among people. People come together and they celebrate the festival with a lot of enthusiasm and joy. To know when Lohri will be celebrated in the coming years, read this article.
Lohri is a popular festival celebrated by the Punjabi people of the Sikh faith as well as Hindu faith. Lohri is mainly a Sikh festival however the day of Lohri is decided based on the Hindu calendar. Lohri is closely linked to the Hindu festival Makara Sankranti and it is celebrated one day before that. Lohri is also known as Lohadi or Lal Loi. The auspicious festival of Lohri is celebrated widely by mainly Hindu and Sikh communities in Haryana and Punjab. The festival falls a day before Makar Sankranti. The festival is organized to celebrate the ripening of winter crops as well as the start of a new harvesting season. Families, neighbors, and friends come together on the night of Lohri to enjoy food along with traditional folk songs and dance.
Lohri is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm among the people in the northern parts of India. It marks the harvesting season in Punjab and welcomes the new year. Lohri is celebrated a day before Makar Sankranti. It celebrates the harvest of rabi crops and it is the time to harvest sugarcane crops. There are several legends related to this festival. People pray to the fire god, to sanctify the land with prosperity and abundance.
The festival of Lohri is celebrated in the northern parts of India like Punjab. Lohri is mainly celebrated with two ingredients-sesame and jaggery. It is known to replenish energy and cleanse the body for the new year. There are several rituals related to it and it is believed that walking around the bonfire will bring prosperity. It is the New Year for the farmers living in Punjab and this day is filled wth prosperity.