The five days Diwali festival ends with the celebration of Bhai Dooj. The celebration of this festival is similar to that of Raksha Bandhan. Bhai Dooj is also known as Bhai Phota or Bhau-beej. The festival glorifies the eternal bond of love shared between brother and sister. The festival is observed on the second day of the bright fortnight of the Hindu month of Kartika.

When is Bhai Dooj in 2025?


Bhai Dooj in 2025 is on the 23rd of October, Thursday.

When is Bhai Dooj in 2025, 2026, 2027?

All the rituals and pooja held on Bhai Dooj are carried out in a festive pooja room or platform that is basically decorated for the Diwali pooja. Sisters adorn their pooja thali with sumptuous sweets, mouth-watering ‘batashas’, roli, and rice along with the coconut. Igniting the pooja lamp they perform all the rituals that involve applying a tikka made of sandalwood paste accompanied by lawn turf (dubbo) and holi chawal. After applying tikka, the sister pampers her brother with delectable eatables along with sweets, coconut, etc. In return, the brother gratifies his dear sisters with a wide variety of gifts. So, if you stay in any corner of the world and due to any professional commitments won’t be able to attend the festivities at home, send attractive gifts to India where your sister resides.

When is Bhai Dooj in 2026?


Bhai Dooj in 2026 is on the 11th of November, Wednesday.

When is Bhai Dooj in 2025, 2026, 2027?

Bhai Dooj is observed in the way of applying a tika on the forehead of the brothers the sisters. Different regions apply differently colored tikas like red made out of roli, white from sandals, and also a tika made out of seven different colors. Many rituals accompany this custom that also vary but the exchange of sweets and gifts on this occasion is universal. A great feast is also prepared by the sister for her brother and all kinds of delicacies are served to him. Sisters who are apart from their brothers or who do not have a brother pray to the Moon God or Chandra on this occasion. The tale of Lord Yama and his sister Yamuna influences this event to a great extent and some regions also worship Yamaraj on this occasion.

No other country in the world celebrates the profound love and affection between a brother and a sister with as much vigor as India. Be a part of this auspicious observance with delightful presentations for your loving siblings and cousins.

When is Bhai Dooj in 2027?


Bhai Dooj in 2027 is on the 31st of October, Sunday.

When is Bhai Dooj in 2025, 2026, 2027?

The festival of Bhai Dooj has a mythological background. According to a popular legend in Hindu mythology, after slaying the evil demon Narkasur, Lord Krishna visited his sister Subhadra who gave him a warm welcome with sweets and flowers. She also affectionately adorned a tilak on Krishna's forehead with due respect and love. Some believe this to be the origin of the festival. The auspicious celebrations of Bhai Dooj reflect the rich cultural traditions of different regions of India. Besides, as this festival brings the whole family together bringing in prosperity, well-being, and luck, this festival is considered highly significant.

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