Greeting cards always hold a charm and you can never fail to surprise someone by sending greeting cards. You can send exclusive cards from our website and strengthen your relationship. Be it any occasion, if you are confused about sending gifts, you can always send greeting cards and add meaning to the celebration.

Even in this era of digital revolution, greeting cards hold a value that is unfathomable. Though most of us are connected to each other through messages, emails or social media, sending a greeting card truly helps us to connect with each other on an emotional level and touch lives. Humans are emotional beings who love to feel and express themselves. Be it gratitude, love, admiration or sympathy, greeting cards enable us to express our innermost feelings to our loved ones.

How did the tradition of exchanging greeting cards begin?

Legend has it that the tradition of exchanging greeting cards was introduced by the Chinese. They exchanged greeting cards to mark new beginnings to welcome the new year. Egyptians also sent greetings to each other on papyrus scrolls. It was around 1400 that Germans started printing greeting cards using woodcuts. Handmade cards gradually gained popularity in Europe from the 14th to 17th centuries during the Renaissance period. This is the time art and literature flourished and this had an impact on the production of greeting cards. The production of greeting cards surged especially during the 1800s. The Industrial Revolution and the printing press were the reasons the popularity of greeting cards reached its peak.

Are greeting cards still popular in this digital era?

In the yesteryears, sending greeting cards was the most common way of expressing our unadulterated emotions to our loved ones. However, many believe that the concept of sending greeting cards has taken a backseat with the advent of technology. The gesture of sending a greeting card holds an old world charm and instills a sense of nostalgia. It also transports you to long lost days when technology had not taken over. Contrary to popular opinion, social media has a positive impact on the sales of greeting cards. People stay connected to each other and remember each other’s special days. According to the Sundale Research report, the younger generation still acknowledges the value of greeting cards as a token of fond remembrance. Infact, they use the best of technology to keep greeting cards relevant even in the smartphone era. Technological developments have made way for personalised greeting cards which help people in adding a special note to relationships.

How to send greeting cards to India?

What is so special about greeting cards?

Greeting cards have a personal touch which often act as the most meaningful form of expression when words seem superfluous. Suppose you are having a hectic day at work and someone sends you a greeting card. Doesn’t the gesture seem to be heartwarming? It instantly brightens up your day and brings a wide smile on your face no matter how stressed you are. Despite the humdrum of daily life where people are running at breakneck speed, the gesture makes you feel that the person sending the card really cares for you. Whether it is birthdays, anniversaries or any other special occasion, it is a unique way of conveying that the person is in your thoughts even if you are sitting in a different corner of the world. In case you have had a fight with someone and are looking for ways to make it up to her, an apology greeting card might help you to strike a chord. In case a friend or a dear one is not keeping well, you can also send them get well soon cards wishing them a speedy recovery. Be it your family, friends, employees or partners, sending a greeting card helps you to strengthen bonds.

How can you send greeting cards without hassles?

If you stay abroad far away from your family, it is very likely that you miss them, especially on special occasions. Sending a card all the way to India might seem cumbersome. You have to make the effort to go out, choose a greeting card, and take the effort of shipping. Despite all the efforts, you still keep wondering whether the card will reach your loved one on time. As a gifting portal, we value emotions and relationships and make sure that nothing comes in the way of your happiness. Be it anniversary, mother’s day, anniversary or birthdays, we have greeting cards for every occasion. The process of sending these cards is simple and easy. All you have to do is hop into our portal, explore the options and grab your pick. The interface is user friendly and the pricing is great. We all also make sure that the greeting cards reach your loved ones in India right on time. Send exclusive greeting cards from our portal and breathe life into your relationship.

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