Fathers Day Gifts to India : Ponnur

About Ponnur


Ponnur village is located in Vandavasi Tehsil of Tiruvannamalai district in Tamil Nadu, India. Tiruvannamalai and Vandavasi are the district & sub-district headquarter of Ponnur village respectively. As per 2009 stats, Ponnur village is also a gram panchayat. The total geographical area of the village is 982.67 hectares. Ponnur has a total population of 4,518 peoples. There are about 1,139 houses in Ponnur village. As per 2019 stats, Ponnur villages come under Vandavasi assembly & Arani parliamentary constituency. Vandavasi is the nearest town to Ponnur which is approximately 10km away.

Source: Villageinfo
