Send Gifts to Panruti

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Gift Delivery Statistics for Panruti

No. of gifts delivered in Panruti - 23
Delivery Options for Panruti
Same Day Same Day Midnight Midnight Courier Courier

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About Panruti


Panruti is a developing city, municipality and taluk headquarters of Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu, India. Panruti is located between Cuddalore and Neyveli. Panruti is famous for jackfruit and cashew nuts. The jackfruit grown here is exported worldwide and is very sweet. It is a business capital of Cuddalore district. Kananchavadi one of the village in panruti taluk,famous for palm juice. It has been a great commercial area for more than 200 years. The name Panruti came from the Tamil words ""Pann"" and ""Urutti"" meaning ""composing song and music"", as the place is where many saints and great religious singers such as nayanmars and vainavas sung. A 150-year-old government school was built here by the British East India Company and a more-than-1000-year-old temple Veeratteswarar temple is nearby in Thiruvathigai.

The name Panruti evolved from pannargal (a word for people who created music in ancient times). The creators of various panns (Isai paadalgal in tamil) were also titled as pannar. The name Panruti evolved ""Pan Urutti"" ('pan' means isai paadal 'urutti' means rolling things) word for people who created music by rolling Stones in the river when water flows up (Thenpennai river).

Source : Wikipedia

PIN Codes in Panruti

These PIN Codes are those where we can arrange delivery in Panruti .
"HD" represents "Hand Delivery". For these PIN codes, delivery will be done by hand on the date you choose.
"CD" refers to "Courier Delivery". For these PIN codes, the gifts will be shipped through our shipping partners & will be delivered during the range of dates selected by you.

  • CD Courier Delivery
  • HD Hand Delivery

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