Send Diwali Gifts to India : Lal Gopalganj Nindaura

About Lal Gopalganj Nindaura


Lal Gopalganj Nindaura is a town and a Nagar Panchayat in Allahabad district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

As of 2011 Indian Census, Lal Gopalganj Nindaura had a total population of 28,288, of which 14,570 were males and 13,718 were females. The population within the age group of 0 to 6 years was 4,326. The total number of literates in Lal Gopalganj Nindaura was 15,734, which constituted 55.6% of the population with male literacy of 62.0% and female literacy of 48.8%. The effective literacy rate of 7+ population of Lal Gopalganj Nindaura was 65.7%, of which male literacy rate was 73.1% and the female literacy rate was 57.7%. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population were 4,303 and 7 respectively. Lal Gopalganj Nindaura had 4525 households in 2011.

Source: Wikipedia

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