Send New Year Gifts to India Online : Dingucha

About Dingucha


Dingucha is a village in Kalol Taluka in Gandhinagar district of Gujarat State, India. It is located 22 km towards west from district headquarters Gandhinagar. Dingucha's pin code is 382740 and postal head office is at Pansar. Pansar (3 km), Bhadol (4 km), Nardipur (5 km), Bhavpura (5 km), Nava (6 km) are the nearby villages to Dingucha. Dingucha is surrounded by Gandhinagar Taluka and Mansa Taluka towards the east, Kadi Taluka towards west and Mahesana Taluk towards North. Kalol, Gandhinagar, Kadi, Mansa are the cities nearby to Dingucha. This place is on the border of the Gandhinagar District and Mahesana District. Mahesana District Kadi is west towards this place. Dingucha's local language is Gujarati. Dingucha's total population is 3284 and number of houses are 732. The female population is 48.1%. The village literacy rate is 72.4% and the female literacy rate is 30.6%.

Source: OneFiveNine

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