This beautiful bouquet of chocolates is perfect to be sent as gifts to your friends and family. They will especially love the fact that the chocolates are in the form of a bouquet. Send this bouquet arranged with chocolates to your loved ones in India and let them enjoy to the core.
Ferrero Rocher Bouquet 24pcs
Item was delivered on time. Good value for money and the customer service team was Fab.
Brilliant Service.
I am extremely happy with their prompt service. Delivery was on time. Will come back again.
it was really a good experience. i used this first time, honestly i was afraid before. then, i just continued and my gifts reached my parents on time. it really gave me happiness. thank you for everything and the people who made it possible.
I ordered it for my girl from USA. She is in Ahmedabad. She loved it and that made my day. The charges are a little higher compared to other portals but I didn't want to take chance as I had already unsee this portal previously.