This beautiful bouquet of 6 red roses, 6 red carnations, 6 pink carnations and 6 gerberas in a glass vase, will be an ideal gift for many different occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, etc. This multitude arrangement of flowers will help you to convey your message of love and gratitude to the recipient. Sending this gorgeous bouquet can certainly lift the spirit and brighten the day of your dear ones. You can send this beautiful arrangement of flowers to your loved ones in India.
However, you can also send other Gifts to India through GiftstoIndia24x7.
Please note : Vase may vary as per availability
Thank you customer care for helping me out to place my order.
Process Looks fine. Last delivery was flawlessly delivered.
I am really happy with the quality of your customer care. My order had to be delivered in a remote area of Odisha. Team 24X7 being very genuine cleared me delivery conditions in advance.
The quality of Bouquet is really beyond my expectation. Thank you so much!
Been using them for the last 4-5 years and always have been reliable.
My mom loves her flowers she gets
I am using this service more than 1 decade...