What is the significance and history of Independence Day?
Independence Day marks the beginning of a new era for India after constant battles, and struggle for freedom. It commemorates and honors every life that has perished, has been in constant fight, and struggles to gain freedom. The history of this day dates back to 15th August 1947 when the colonial rule under the British came to an end. The announcement of freedom echoed in the midnight with a speech titled a “Tryst with Destiny” by the first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru. He hoisted the flag in the Red Fort to commemorate the day and mark the end of the British colonial rule in India. Ever since that day the day is celebrated all over India by hoisting flag, marching, singing the national anthem and many more cultural activities that honors the day and the struggles of the freedom fighters.
This day is not only to commemorate and express our gratitude for the past but also a reminder of a better future. This day is to celebrate the achievement of the past and embrace the opportunities of the future. This binds every Indian together as a whole and creates a sense of patriotism hence it is a very significant day to celebrate and honor our country.